Friday, 1 June 2018

June already!

Students have been hard at work planting in their garden beds.  This year, students have worked in groups and have their very own garden beds to plant in.  Each group of students have chosen the types of veggies they would like in their own garden beds by using principles of companion planting and crop rotation.  It's been so awesome to see the different kinds of combinations of plants the students have decided to grow! 

Strawberries are here!
Peas growing up their student-made trellis

Bok choy!

Radishes! Many, many radishes!

We are also so excited about our grafted apple tree.  We planted this beautiful tree in October and it has started blossoming.  Each of the five branches have been grafted on to the main trunk and will be a different variety of apple!

The butterfly larvae that we received have formed their chrysalides and are now emerging as beautiful painted lady butterflies.  We can't wait to release them into the garden to help pollinate our plants!

Students have been working hard preparing for our first ever appearance at the Blackburn Hamlet Funfair on June 2nd.  We will be selling plants to the community and teaching them how to care for different types of plants.  The different vegetable seedlings we have available are kale, cucumbers, cantaloupe, tomatoes, peppers (bell & jalapeno), mustard greens, lettuce, bok choy, kohlrabi, spinach, arugula, parsley, etc. We also have different house plants, flowers and succulents for sale too!  It should be a lot of fun and great experience for our avid NJ gardeners!

A peek inside our greenhouse
Happy gardening!